Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mango Mimosa

So I was at a brunch this morning for one of my friend's birthdays and the hostess served these delicious mimosas! It was something that she had while on a trip to Jamaica and has been addicted ever since. Now, I have had my fair share of mimosas as it's a family tradition to have them on Christmas morning, but never would I have imagined this twist on tradition. My hostess told me that she picks up the mango nectar at Trader Joe's, but if you do not have one then I'm assuming that it could be easily obtained at another store similar to it.  Definitely adding this to the mimosa selection on Christmas morning!

Mango Mimosas
from a friend

Mango nectar
(We can debate champagne in a later blog post. My favorite is Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label, but I'm a champagne snob. You can use Korbel Brut for mimosas.)

Using a champagne glass, fill 1/2 of the glass with champagne. Wait for the bubbles to subside and then add mango nectar. 


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